How Do I Get Google To List My Site

First a Health Warning!
If you are already listed on Google then resubmitting again to Google will NOT get your site listed any faster.
If you haven't already tried submitting your site, then the page to submit your site to can be found easily by searching for "google submit" into Google. Not surprisingly their page is top of the list!
However there are other ways to get your site picked up by Google.
One good way to get your site indexed quickly by Google is through links from websites that are themselves crawled regularly. By far the easiest and quickest method is to make use of the various directories on the internet. Google tends to check the higher ranking directories fairly regularly and new links from those sites are likely to get indexed.
There are free directories and there are paid subscription directories. It really is a case of you pay your money and you take your choice. Business directories in your particular area of business can be useful because Google likes relevancy when it is indexing you and your site should be highly relevant to a business directory for your line of business.
DMOZ, also known as the Open Directory, is probably one of the most important directories to get listed in if you are interested in good rankings from Google. It's not a quick way to get Google to take a look at you. In fact it can take weeks, even months to get listed in DMOZ. This is because every site submitted is reviewed in person by the category editor and it really depends how far down the queue you are.
One piece of advice, if you do plan to submit to DMOZ make sure you read the submission guidelines carefully and comply fully with what they ask.
Another good way to get Google to index your site is through writing articles and submitting them to the article submission sites. All of the article sites (the good ones at least) allow you to include a section called "About the Author" or "Author Resource". It's here that you can include a link back to your site.
Writing articles has a few other advantages. Other sites looking for content might pick up your article from the article sites and use it on their site. They have to use your "About the Author" section so you will get a free link back to your site. That's another chance for Google to find you. If your articles are relevant to your business then you will probably find they will push visitor traffic to your site as well.
So in summary, you can try submitting directly to Google but I think that either directories or writing articles will work as well if not better at getting you notice.

Mike Seddon is the founder of KKSmarts. Their site contains many free guides including their Free SEO Training Online Course.
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